Swem Library has a nursing mothers room for your convenience. Room 308, located on the third floor of Swem Library, has been set aside to provide a private and comfortable place for a mother to nurse or use a breast pump. The room is open to all William & Mary faculty, staff, students and library patrons. Access to the room is available during library operating hours.
The room is equipped with:
- Lockable door
- Several electrical outlets for plugging in a breast pump
- Comfortable chair
- Small table for breast pump and supplies
- "Occupied" sign on the door
- Wastebasket
- Hand sanitizer
- Clock
- Mirror
- Privacy shades on window
- Restrooms nearby
Room usage policy:
- To use the room, check out the key at the Circulation Desk. You will need to show ID (e.g. W&M ID or driver’s license).
- After using the room, please ensure that the door is locked and completely shut.
- Return the key to the Circulation Desk immediately after using the room. Patrons are not allowed to keep the key as others may be waiting to use the room.
- Please keep room clean and tidy. If it needs attention, please contact the Circulation Desk at 757-221-3072.
For more information about lactation policies and spaces, please see the College of William & Mary Compliance & Equity Office’s Lactation and Pregnancy Resources.