The pioneer of the South, the first that ever greeted the eyes of a struggling nation in its infancy; the first that was ever graced by the immortal Declaration of Independence, is rescued once more from the depths of oblivion, and comes before the public asking that consideration due her. But this is not the Virginia Gazette of yore. The times have changed, and she endeavors to stand abreast of them. The questions that were agitated and discussed through her columns are history now, sacred to a nation's memory.
We shall ever strive, with the help of Him, who doeth all things well, to voice the sentiments that are noblest, truest and best. If we succeed in righting one wrong, in gaining one victory, or advancing a cause that is just, we shall feel amply repaid for any efforts that we may put forth.
Realizing that a local paper, working for the best interests an advancement of the community, should have as little as possible to do with municipal or county elections, especially in a small town or city, we have resolved to remain neutral in every contest. Hence our policy, "Independent in local politics." We shall ever be guided by our motto, "Measures, not men." But believing firmly in the principles of Democracy, we shall ever lend our aid to its advancement and perfection, feeble though be our strength.
We shall spare no pains to place before the country the advantages of this section, trusting in our friends for support in all that is worthy, and in the integrity of the people we represent for justice, we commit these columns to your hands.