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Student Voices: Alexis Vitali

Hey, fellow Swem-goers! My name is Alexis and I have been working at Swem Circulation for over a year now. I started out as an assistant, shelving and sorting from the books needed for final papers. Last year, I was able to help deliver books to professors all over campus. And as it turns out, books can bring more excitement when you get to drive them in a golf-cart, trying not to get stuck behind tour groups (otherwise known as flamingos). I also worked at the Circulation Desk. On any day at the desk, we get to play nurse (providing band-aids, which we do have!), read someone's mind (because we know they ask for the monkey book every third day), and occasionally play technician to help fix the printers. 


Working at Swem has brought me closer to the Swem staff, professors and other student-employees. I am grateful for the connections I have been able to make and for the experiences working at Swem has brought me. I am thankful that I joined the Swem team as a freshman and that I have had ample time to make memories from it. Whether it's wrapping boxes for the holiday fireplace or sharing lunch, I truly feel like not just part of an organization, but part of a family. Although I cannot stay in Swem forever (although it seems like my professors want me to), I will always favorably remember my times working for Swem. As I approach the second half of my college career, I am grateful that no matter how difficult things may become, I will always have a home in Circulation. 

See ya around!